Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Canadian eduroam network topology?

Canada’s federation-level servers operate as the gateway for eduroam traffic within Canada and internationally in a geo-redundant fashion. We capitalize on the RADIUS failover protocol.

Where can I find eduroam community forums and discussion groups?

There are a number of community forums with extensive technical expertise and experience with configuring federated software. If you have an application or configuration question and wish to discuss broad topics, we encourage you to search the archives before posting your question.

We encourage technical contacts to join or monitor other community lists that are relevant to your chosen software platform. Notable open source community support lists are:
Shibboleth (FIM reference software implementation)


How do I access daily and monthly eduroam stats?

You can view these by signing into the CANARIE Network Services Portal. This portal is exclusively available to institutions who have deployed the Federated Identity Management (FIM) service.