Welcome to our August edition of the DAIR Cloud community newsletter. This month we are focusing on security for your DAIR Cloud environment, including firewall best practices.
Take five minutes of your day to learn more about firewall best practices in our video below.
1. Firewall Best Practices
2. Program Update: CloudTracker
We have launched the DAIR Resource Reports (also known as the CloudTracker) just a few short weeks ago. This new module allows you to track your usage of cloud resources to help plan your costs once you migrate to a commercial cloud provider. You can find out more information on the DAIR CloudTracker here or in the video below.
3. Q&A
The questions that current DAIR users have could be relevant to your business. Here is one from the past month that you might find useful:
Question: What would costs be after year one of using DAIR? I notice that DAIR is free for one year only.
Answer: After your first year, you are welcome to apply for a second year at no cost. We do allow you to apply for a third year but you must apply quarterly and migrate off of DAIR to a commercial cloud by the end of your third year. The only limitation to staying on DAIR is you must be in the development and testing phase of your initiative to stay on DAIR as we do not allow production deployments.
As always, contact dair.admin@canarie.ca if you have any questions or concerns about your DAIR deployment.
4. Advance your Knowledge
Below you will find some recommended articles about security and firewall best practices.
6 trends that will shape cloud computing in 2017 (cio.com)
Configure access and security for instances (openstack.org)
Security for Cloud Computing: 10 Steps to Ensure Success (cloud-council.org)
5. What are Other Start-ups Doing with DAIR?
Read our case studies to see how other small and medium businesses are using the DAIR Cloud to build, test, and prototype their innovative products and services.
Echosec: “The resources on DAIR give us the opportunity to really expand our thinking and test the limits of what our product can do in a risk-free, no-cost environment.” – Mike Anderson, Chief Technology Officer
Enterdent: “DAIR proved to be a great solution for us. The data stays in Canada, and the infrastructure is powerful enough to manage our data-intensive loads” – Peter Evans, President