NREN Partners

Partners in Canada’s NREN


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ACORN-NL is dedicated to the implementation and formalization of a regional advanced network in Newfoundland and Labrador that will link post-secondary institutions, their major research centres, and the K-12 system.



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ACORN-NS’s objectives are to refine, implement and maintain a resilient, secure, advanced research and education network architecture; reliably operate Nova Scotia’s advanced research and education network including the CANARIE Point of Presence; promote the value and innovation created by the advanced research and education network; and maintain a sustainable model for ACORN-NS


Aurora College

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Aurora College provides advanced-network services for the Northwest Territories.

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BCNET is a not-for-profit, shared IT services organization that represents the interests of our members––colleges, universities, and research institutes in British Columbia. We continuously engage with our members to explore, evaluate, and develop solutions that meet their unique needs. Our aim is to build value through collaboration, drive down costs, maximize efficiencies and further the mission of our members.



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CANARIE is the federal partner in Canada’s NREN, providing interprovincial and international connectivity. With our partners, we strengthen the security of Canada’s higher-ed community through collaborative cybersecurity initiatives. Beyond the network, we fund and promote the development of software for research and lead national efforts to manage data generated from research. We also provide identity management services to the academic community and equip Canada’s startups with cloud resources and expertise in emerging technologies.

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Cybera is Alberta’s not-for-profit organization responsible for driving economic growth through the use of digital technology. Our core role is to oversee the development and operations of Alberta’s cyberinfrastructure – the advanced system of networks and computers that keep government, educators, not-for-profits, and entrepreneurs at the forefront of technological change.

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MRnet is Manitoba’s Regional Advanced Research and Education Network. MRnet provides a very-high-speed, fibre optic network linking its research and education members to the world’s R&E networks. The MRnet network supports research, education and advanced application development among Manitoba’s research, education, and industry organizations.

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NB PEI Educational Computer Network (ECN)

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The New Brunswick – Prince Edward Island Educational Computer Network (ECN) provides a sustainable, economical, and reliable high-speed network platform to educational and research organizations throughout the region. It connects them to research and innovation networks across Canada and around the world. The ECN is a model of collaboration and shared services across this geographically, economically, and linguistically diverse region.

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Nunavut Arctic College

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Nunavut Arctic College (NAC) will represent Nunavut on the NREN and will work with partners to create a research and education network in Nunavut. NAC is a public agency of the Government of Nunavut and services the largest post-secondary service region in Canada. NAC’s mission is to strengthen the people and the communities of Nunavut by providing life-long learning opportunities for adult Nunavummiut by delivering high quality adult education programs developed with input from our partners throughout the Arctic and Canada, and by making the benefits of Inuit traditional knowledge and southern science more accessible.

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ORION is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to empowering Ontario researchers, educators, and innovators. The organization’s community includes more than two million users at over one hundred universities, colleges, hospitals, and research institutions, as well as the majority of Ontario’s school boards. ORION enables ground-breaking discoveries and cutting-edge education through its network and provides vital digital tools and expert support.



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As a not-for-profit organization, the Quebec Scientific Information Network (RISQ) is a private telecommunications network that has served the education sector in Quebec since 1989. RISQ’s network covers approximately 6,000 km and reaches about 750,000 students, teachers, and staff. It provides members with shared resources and services, and acts as an information, coordination, and expertise forum.

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SRNET (Saskatchewan Research Network Inc.) is a not-for-profit research and education network, the Saskatchewan member of Canada’s NREN. SRNET provides dedicated high-speed network (10 Gbps, 1 Gbps, 100 Mbps) access to institutions and companies across Saskatchewan that use it for their research and education activities.


Yukon University

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Yukon University provides a vital link between students and researchers in the Yukon, and national and international education and research networks. The Yukon Research Centre at Yukon University facilitates education opportunities for communities, encourages collaboration with First Nations, and expands opportunities for northern innovation. Yukon University also enables Yukoners to share their diverse cultural and environmental research with the world.

Visit Yukon University

Joint Initiatives

Canada’s NREN partners collaborate on a number of initiatives that contribute to the overall success of this uniquely Canadian, federated alliance. Developed through a consultative process involving all provincial and territorial partners, our joint initiatives strengthen the people, processes, and tools that support our country’s critical network infrastructure for research and education.

Security Initiatives

NREN SIEM Procurement and Analyst Projects

An unprecedented pan-Canadian effort is underway to coordinate network threat monitoring. This initiative involves the creation of a team of analysts and lays the foundation for future collaborative security projects.

MANRS Project

Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is a global initiative, supported by the Internet Society, that provides crucial fixes to reduce the most common internet routing threats. Canada’s NREN partners have committed to joining MANRS and its community of security-minded organizations that have committed to making global network routing infrastructure more robust and secure.


Global Research and Education Network Map

Work is well underway to create a visualization that maps the Global Research and Education Network (GREN) ecosystem to the individual institution level. The GREN Map is important as both a technical tool to provide a visualization of the network’s topology, and a vital marketing and external relations tool to allow the global community to see the reach of the GREN and the value it provides to them. Canada co-chairs the GREN Map Working Group and the first implementation of the map showcases the Canadian NREN using shared tools, data, and software to demonstrate the project’s potential.

Given the federated model of the Canadian NREN, with regional networks connecting the institutions within a province or territory and CANARIE providing interprovincial and international connectivity, Canada is a perfect ‘test’ environment for showcasing how the federated GREN map will work. Representatives from Canada’s NREN are working together to provide standardized data to the project with the goal of showcasing Canada as the first national visualization in this global project.

Case Studies

Learn about the ground-breaking research initiatives taking place across the country, enabled, and supported by the partners in Canada’s NREN.



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Aurora College

Aurora College

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Educational Computer Network – New Brunswick

Educational Computer Network – New Brunswick

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Educational Computer Network – Prince Edward Island

Educational Computer Network – Prince Edward Island

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Yukon University

Yukon University

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Program News